if (condition is true) { // then do this .... }
if(2 + 2 == 4) { console.log("You are a mathmatician!"); }
if(prompt("Your name?") != "Estelle"){ console.log("You are an imposter!"); }
Press → key to advance. Zoom in/out: Ctrl or Command + +/-.
if (condition is true) { // then do this .... }
if(2 + 2 == 4) { console.log("You are a mathmatician!"); }
if(prompt("Your name?") != "Estelle"){ console.log("You are an imposter!"); }
true false
var truthy = true, falsey = false;
Everything value can return a Boolean Value.
false undefined null 0 (-0) "" NaN
Everything else is truthy
Everything that is not falsy is truthy
true 42 0.000001 "Estelle"
Objects, arrays, functions & regular expressions
function foo(){} [1,2,3] [] {firstName: "Estelle", age: 29, isAwesome: true} {} /\w{6,9}/
Operator | Definition |
== | Equal to |
=== | Equal to & same type |
!= | Not Equal to |
!== | Not Equal to / not same type |
> | Greater than |
>= | Greater or equal to |
< | Less than |
<= | Less or equal to |
! | Not |
&& | AND |
|| | OR |
Does foo
exist? Is it truthy?
if(foo) { }
true or false?
if(x > y) { }
Is x truthy? If not, is y truthy?
if(x || y) { }
are x and y BOTH truthy
if(x && y) { }
console.log(5 == "5"); console.log(5 === "5")
console.log(5 != "5"); console.log(5 !== "5")
When you're looking for a truthy or falsy value, pass the value
into your if statement, negating with ! if necessary. When you're looking
specifically for true or false, use === or !==.
Use == or != only
when you NEED what it does, like to compare null and undefined.
The Abstract Equality Comparison Algorithm, or "How does the == operator work? Given x == y"
Type(x) Type(y) Result If x & y are the same typef follow === operator rules Null Undefined true Undefined Null true Number String x == toNumber(y) String Number toNumber(y) == x Boolean (any) toNumber(x) == y (any) Boolean x == toNumber(y) String or Number Object x == toPrimitive(y) Object String or Number toPrimitive(x) == y Otherwise... false
if(5 > 4)
if("Clinton" > "Bush")
if(5 == '5')
if(5 === '5')
if(0 < x && x < 10)
if(heroes.length === 1)
If a data entry point is not case sensitive (like username rather than password), realize that your user's capitalization may not match what you have stored:
var firstName = prompt('First Name?'); if(firstName.toUpperCase() === 'ESTELLE') { alert(firstName); }
var errMsg, email1 = prompt('Your email address:'); email2 = prompt('Re-enter email address:'); if(email1.toLowerCase() !== email2.toLowerCase()) { errMsg += "Email addresses do not match\n"; }
var age = parseInt(prompt('Lie about your age?')); if(isNaN(age)) { // not a number!! errMsg += "At least make it a number so it's plausible, silly" }
var msg, age = +prompt("how old are you?"); if(!age || isNaN(age)) { msg = "You're too old to tell us your age?"; } else if (age <= 18 || age >= 65) { msg = "Kudos to you for getting mad skillz"; } else if (age > 45) { msg = "You should have lied about your age."; } else if (age < 25) { msg = "You're too young to rent a car,\ but old enough to rock JS"; } else { msg = "There's nothing wrong with being average."; }
while (condition) { statements; }
while (condition is true) { // do these things // alter the condition }
var count = 0, iterations = 4; while (count < iterations) { // do these things counter++; }
Declared in one line
for (initialization; condition; increment) { statement; }
for(count = 0; count < iterations; count++) { // do these things }
var pets, i; pets = ['Spazzo', 'Poopers', 'Sassafrass']; for (i = 0; i < pets.length; i++){ console.log('Pet ' + (i + 1) + ": " + pets[i]); }
var num; do { num = window.prompt('Number?'); console.log('Guess? ' + num) } while (num !== '5')
Will execute code block at least once, even if condition is never met.